allows you to see the real discount by comparing the current price with the previous price, which is the correct & real discount you will be getting. Sometimes online sellers don’t do this in order to show shoppers a larger percentage drop in the product price in the offer or promotion. The real offer or promotion is when you compare the current price with the previous price. Real offers and promotions are sometimes not as advertised. To ensure you are getting a good deal, Kanbkam job is to track those price changes for shoppers, store and graph them so that the shopper can know if the product is selling now at a good price compared to it's history or not. Shopping portals change products prices frequently, sometimes every hour. From large, prominent discount stickers to brightly coloured sales tags, there are many options to independently indicate discounts or promote is a historical price analysis portal for products selling in online shopping & eCommerce portals in the Middle East and North Africa, like Amazon AE, Amazon SA, Amazon EG, Jumia, Jarir, eXtra Stores, etc. If you do not want to have a price tag with a static price, but instead, to promote a discount or sale, there are many options available. Loose price labels are better for smaller quantities of products, or when product prices need to be determined individually. It then automatically fast-prints this information on pre-loaded stickers, allowing you to swiftly sticker many products quickly, even if they are different products with different prices. Price label guns allow you to enter the product name, barcode, and price.

If you have many products to price and want to use price label stickers, it can be useful to use price tag guns. Some price labels may offer barcode options for scanners or have a space specifically for brand logo placement. Often, the price is in a colour which contrasts well to the background, such as black and white, black and yellow, and red and white. Colour is one of the most often used options, which help highlight prices. Most price labels come with a variety of options. If you prefer sticker price labels, you may be able to utilise price guns to place and program prices. Price label tags are best for awkwardly-sized or contoured items that stickers may not stick to, or where a sticker may damage the product. Sticker price labels are best used when products may be easily moved or carried around, or when prices are denoted in a one-off fashion. Static plastic price labels are best for use in a shop, where products aren't likely to move and a single price is denoted for a group of products stacked together.

Most price labels come in three distinct types: static plastic price labels, price label stickers, and price label tags. When looking for price labels, it's always best to consider the type of label that would best suit your needs, the items on which the label will be used, and the environment in which the label will be used. Price tags can reduce hassle during yard sales, in retail shops, denote sale items, or even assist with company branding. Price labels are designed to clearly and prominently display the price of objects for sale, and can be used almost anywhere.