Scan a document into a PDF, and make the text editable with OCR-with single or multiple documents.
Pdfpen mac pdf#

If you haven’t used PDFpen before, this free book is an excellent way to find out what it has to offer.
Pdfpen mac how to#
With Take Control of PDFpen, you’ll learn how to do all these tasks and more on your Mac with PDFpen or PDFpenPro or on the go with PDFpen for iPad & iPhone. Given the high price of Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, many Mac users have turned to Smile’s affordable PDFpen apps to help them sign PDF forms, handle scanned documents, make changes in existing PDFs, create new PDFs from a variety of sources, and to export PDFs to other file formats (including Word and Excel). To read, edit, and manipulate all these PDFs, you need the appropriate tools and skills. We generate this virtual paper too, since it’s so much easier to save a document as a PDF and send it to a colleague via email than it is to print and send via fax or email. These days, an ever-increasing amount of “paper”-contracts, tax forms, bills, reports, and more-comes into our lives as PDF files. Ideally, we’ll update the book when the next major revision hits, whenever that may be and whatever it may be called…assuming we have the support of the app’s new owners. Whether, when, or in what form we’ll see the next major revision in features will depend on what the new owners decide to do. So the app has changed names and branding (currently it’s Nitro PDF), and that may change again.

Smile sold PDFpen to a company called Nitro, which in turn is apparently about to be acquired by yet another company.