It’s controversial because it can feel like losing progress, but also makes a ton of sense. This also counts for weapons and armor, which means while in one land you may stride tall as the undefeatable hero with the epic-est of epic gear, you’re just monster-chow the next area over. Found a boat and are out sailing the ocean past the current area’s border? Sailing instantly turns to swimming, but if you paddle back the way you came you can instantly start sailing again. The most controversial aspect of Cube World is its regional system, and what this means in practice is that almost anything you find in one area is useless in the next. It can take a bit to get a foothold in an area, getting strong enough to not have to avoid most encounters, but with a good drop or two the progress in power moves along nicely.

Seeing as each character class can wield two rings, an amulet, boots, gloves, body armor, shoulder pads and a weapon or two, there’s plenty of room to grow. In addition to attack strength and defense all equipment comes with an HP bonus, while specific pieces of armor can improve critical hit chance, speed, etc. Weapons and armor are graded the same as monsters, by color, which gives a quick overview of effectiveness while the stats break it down more clearly. There’s no experience in Cube World and instead all progress is tied to equipment. Defeated enemies will always drop a gold coin or two, and with a little luck a good item drop will start the road to powering up your character. White, green, and even blue-tagged enemies can all be taken care of at the start of the game if handled properly and it doesn’t take too long to figure out that aggro-ing a few creatures and running for help from a party of friendly wandering adventurers isn’t cowardice but rather a viable strategy. Putting the cursor over enemies reveals their strength, with white being lowest level, green the next tier up, then blue, purple and crazy-powerful gold. Death is common but also relatively penalty-free, only putting you back to the last-visited respawn point with no loss of gold or equipment, but it’s still nice to win a few battles. No matter which character class you choose it’s still weak at the start, so eventually it becomes clear that backup is required. Once you’ve got combat down, though, the game starts to open up.

Standing there pounding the standard attack button is the obvious thing to do and Cube World‘s biggest flaw is that it doesn’t teach the player not to do that. The specialization can be changed at most towns with no charge, and learning the abilities (FAQs are your friend) goes a long way towards making combat more fun and effective. The Mage, for example, can either specialize in fire for serious attack power or switch to the pleasant healing abilities of water, while Rogue can be a stealthy assassin or deadly ninja. Each character class has a pair of specializations as well, which change up the secondary and passive abilities. Some classes do this up close with swords, clubs, daggers and fists, while others rely on bows or wands, but for the most part it’s a fairly direct use of force.
A big part of Cube World is figuring it out, which can be nice when you’ve got a few systems down and significantly less helpful at the start when there’s not a single hint as to how to deal with a land crawling with monsters that can take you apart in a few hits.Ĭube World‘s combat appears simple: hit button, smack monster.
The game starts with a choice of race, gender, character class, and some options for designing just the right head, and then leaves you free to do whatever you’d like to do next.

Traveling is easy if you don’t mind walking, but at the start the character you create is incredibly weak.
The wilds of Cube World are a massive series of lands filled with quests and exploration for the self-motivated adventurer, with the small disclaimer that each new area is the start of another quest to rise from what’s effectively level 1.Ĭube World is a cheerful blue-skied open-world action/RPG where you’re free to go in whichever direction catches your fancy at any time. Friendly bands of warriors wander the landscape, giving advice and sometimes helping in combat, and the occasional town or settlement provides a safe spot to get down to crafting better gear.

Its blocky hills and valleys, mountains, volcanoes, deserts and oceans teem with monsters guarding loot in various forms, waiting for a questing hero to put it to good use. The map extends forever in all directions, an endless world of potential adventure.